Follow us on social media

The logos for Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Mastodon, Reddit and Twitter

Following West Tuality Habitat on social media is a great way to keep up-to-date on our latest announcements, like upcoming home-building or home-repair volunteering opportunities, new resources we are able to offer because of a partnership or grant, or upcoming events regarding Habitat programs, as well as the best way to know what’s happening with the Forest Grove ReStore, like our latest items for sale or some particularly interesting DIY project a customer has shared with us.

You can follow us on some or all of our social media accounts:

West Tuality Habitat on Instagram.

West Tuality Habitat on Facebook.

West Tuality Habitat on Twitter.

West Tuality Habitat on LinkedIn.

West Tuality Habitat on Mastodon.

West Tuality Habitat on Reddit.

Forest Grove ReStore on Instagram.

Forest Grove ReStore on Facebook.

We also have a YouTube channel and we hope you will view our videos there and subscribe.

Should we be on any other social media channels? What social media channels do YOU use and that you think we should be on? Contact us at with your suggestions.


This account is managed by multiple people at West Tuality Habitat for Humanity.


West Tuality Habitat Addresses Forest Grove City Council


Groundbreaking For New Affordable Homes Draws VIPS to Forest Grove